May 21st 2024

Students, there are many exciting ELO opportunities available for Fall 2024. Check the Student Services page on Canvas for information or see Dr Fitzgerald


Freshman, sophomores & juniors

ALL 2nd semester community service hours are due by Friday, May 24th!

Hours will not be accepted late. 

Submit hours to the CSO by Friday, May 24th!


Students, If you are planning to take a summer course, check your email for enrollment information. 


Are you currently registered for the Pattonville Health Sciences/Certified Nursing Assistant course for next year or are you interested in joining the class?

Please stop by room B206 during homeroom this Thursday to receive important information!


There will be a Link Crew Training for all students who have applied to be Link Crew Leaders on Thursday during Homeroom in the Upper Gym.  Please do not plan on attending unless you have filled out the Google Form application to be a Link Crew Leader.  If you have questions, please reach out to Mr. Beucke or Mrs. Borcherding.


Safety town applications are still available. If you haven't already done so, please pick up an application in the CSO E200

By friday May 24th 



If you are missing any clothing items, water bottles, etc… Please check the Lost and Found located in the Front Office. Items not claimed will be donated after May 24th



 Students, please return all library books ASAP.  Thanks and stop by the library for a free book to start off our summer reading program


Tutoring has concluded for the year.  Good luck on your finals