Rose Acres, Willow Brook students participate in a Winter Olympics unit during PE class

Millions of people watched the Winter Olympics on television, and Rose Acres and Willow Brook elementary school students were able to play Winter Olympics-themed games during PE classes because of their gold medal-worthy teachers. 

Willow Brook PE teachers Ashley Downs and Vince Licameli and Rose Acres PE teachers Mike McKeon and Joe Rehagen along with student teacher Dominic Licameli managed to transform balls into rocks and pool noodles into ski poles. 

The experience was intended to help students learn about the several different events that athletes participated in during the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics. 

During class, students ran around the gym holding a ‘torch’ which was a handkerchief on a pool noodle, speed skated on paper plates and competed in luge and skeleton events using scooters as sleds.

Students were also encouraged to learn more about the nations they chose to represent by doing research and drawing their country’s flag.

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Rose Acres

Willow Brook