Read about actions taken at the Nov. 9 school board meeting. Find out more by visiting Pattonville's BoardDocs website.
Board Actions
The board of education on Nov. 9:
- Reviewed a proposed master facilities plan for the district and potential zero-tax-rate-change bond issue to fund the plan; a vote is expected at the Dec. 14 board meeting;
- Reviewed results from a scientific community survey designed to gauge community priorities for a new facilities plan;
- Approved paying $603,257.28 for regular bills;
- Approved, subject to audit, the financial statements for the month of October 2021;
- Approved paying $336,235.96 for purchases made on the district's purchase cards, which earned the district a rebate of nearly 1% (or $3,261.49);
- Declared a list of items as surplus to be sold on the district’s page;
- Lodged for actions revisions to policies IF (Curriculum Development) and IF-R-1 (Curriculum Coordinating Council); a vote is expected at the Dec. 14 board meeting;
- Approved paying $13,726.35 to EducationPlus for the balance of the 2021-2022 annual membership dues;
- Approved paying $1,493.50 to Tueth, Keeney, Cooper, Mohan & Jackstadt, P.C. for legal services;
- Approved, as lodged for action on Oct. 12, the revisions to Policy BBB (School Board Elections); and
- Approved the purchase and assembly of flat and mounted displays and mobile carts from Kansas City Audio Visual for $249,111.35.
New Hires
- Donyae Andrews, evening custodian, Rose Acres
- James Byington, evening custodian, Pattonville Heights
- Jillian Earls, nurse, Drummond
- Melissa Lallis, cook, Bridgeway
- Jacquelyn Naylor, English learner paraprofessional, high school
- Thea Slayton, cook, high school
- Nichole Webb, bus driver, transportation
- Dr. Mary Krekeler, director of early childhood, effective June 30, after serving Pattonville for seven years
- Dr. Scot Mosher, principal of Pattonville Heights Middle School, effective June 30 after serving Pattonville for 21 years