High school choir students selected for all-district honor choirs

In October, 36 members of the Pattonville High School choir auditioned for the St. Louis Suburban All-District Honor Choir and 29 were selected to either the soprano, alto, tenor and bass (SATB) or treble honor choirs.

Austin Branson, Kam Ren Brown, Patrick Ferguson, Kenedi Jenkins, Connor Lorino, Ethan Massey, Hannah Radican, Joey Stewart and Hannadey Yezza qualified to audition for the All-State Choir and were selected to the SATB Honor Choir. Other students selected to the SATB Honor Choir are Dominick Austin, Isabella Crawford, Da'Shon Dunn, Margaret Haselbauer, Daniel McCoy, Jacob Mendelsohn, Sarah Nelson, Omolara Ogunmola and Alyssa Van Hooser.

The following students were selected to the Treble Honor Choir: Kristen Bowers, Ja'nya Cruise, Miranda Lopez, Ruth McCarron, Maichi Nguyen, Lily Reynolds, Kalista Roades, Devin Scharer, Laniya Smith, Jakayla Townsel and Honey Waweru.

They are coached by choir teachers Melynda Lamb and Tracy Baker.